måndag, november 1

National Blog Post Month

In an effort to really overhaul this blog and actually DO something with it. I'm challenging myself by joining NaBloPoMo and others who want to post one time per day the entire month of November.
I hope this will work, I really need the buttkick.

As for what happened to all those nifty cake reviews I got tired of the cakes.. yes I did. I've come to the conclusion that the best cake I can find is the one I bake myself. All bakeries are using premade mousses and do NOTHING from scratch... that really ticked me off. Last time I tried for a cake I specifically asked for lots of strawberry flavour and dark chocolate and to my severe disappointment the strawberry goodness of Gods did n ot shine upon the cake... no no.
We will se what will be done. I am great at cake, I am terrible at decorating said cake. I'll have to find a decorating wizard somewhere.

And this blog is now in english for two reasons.
One. I really need to stretch my english writing skills, as they go unused all too often.
Two. Since most of the readership at NaBloPoMo are english readers it's easier this way.

1 kommentar:

mi sa...

I will happily help you with cake, both insides and outsides of it. :)

Nice new design too.