lördag, november 6

And tonight we can truly say, together we're invincible

Since things are sailing smoothly at home once more I've been listening to all those songs that make me silly happy.

I've been diving into alot of Muse and Depeche lately. Depeche is and will always be one of my first true audio loves. Their sound is ingrained into my neural pathways and have been one of the major influences of my taste for music. I think one of the reason why I love Muse so much is that they combine the sensibilites from synth like Depeche with the amazing riffs and beat of old school rock that I love so much. You see, before yours truly was into synth I was spoonfed rock. My parents are and have always been avid rockers and they played everything from Nazareth, ZZ-top, Gasoline, Credence Clearwater Revival to Yes, Uriah Heep and most importantly of all Thin Lizzy. I had a very confusing preteenhod since I at one hand mainly listened to Erasure, Depeche Mode, Madness and Eurythmics and on the other hand went nuts over Metallica, CCR and bands like Men at work.
I've picked up alot of favourites along the way and truly expanded my tastes for music. But despite all these fabulous genres to pick from like folkmusic, industry, ska and symphonic rock just to name a few I still return to synth and rock when I don't think about what I pick. They are second nature, I sometimes suspect that they are so ingrained that they're like languages I've become so familiar with that they're a second and third mother tounge.

Have a nice evening everyone, and listen to something that really touches your soul today.

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