lördag, maj 14

Tävlar om 40 par skor...

Jag håller just nu på att tävla mot bland annat min egen moster om 40 par skor på TLC kanalen  som tillsammans med Brandos skänker bort ett presentkort på 40 000 kronor. Enligt mig så är det inte 40 par skor, snarare 15-20 par för alla skor jag vill ha är svindyra och av bra kvalite. Men vem säger nej till så mycket skor?

måndag, november 8

Banking, interest rates and money

Me and my SO went to the bank today and it looks pretty good. The biggest hurdle is that we have to find 64 000 SEK for a first installment pay on the house. That is alot of money actually. Damn, I hate not having a job. I am the worlds worst housewife and so much better belonging to a regular workforce.

Always a couple of minutes late

I realised the moment I was starting this post that I would once again cross the midnight line...
That was not what I was aiming for but can't be helped.

Tomorrow me and my darling SO have an appoinment with the bank. We plan on buying a sad sad little house, renovate it and sell it for market value. I've been busy all week doing the cost calculations.
I'll write later today about how it went.

lördag, november 6

And tonight we can truly say, together we're invincible

Since things are sailing smoothly at home once more I've been listening to all those songs that make me silly happy.

I've been diving into alot of Muse and Depeche lately. Depeche is and will always be one of my first true audio loves. Their sound is ingrained into my neural pathways and have been one of the major influences of my taste for music. I think one of the reason why I love Muse so much is that they combine the sensibilites from synth like Depeche with the amazing riffs and beat of old school rock that I love so much. You see, before yours truly was into synth I was spoonfed rock. My parents are and have always been avid rockers and they played everything from Nazareth, ZZ-top, Gasoline, Credence Clearwater Revival to Yes, Uriah Heep and most importantly of all Thin Lizzy. I had a very confusing preteenhod since I at one hand mainly listened to Erasure, Depeche Mode, Madness and Eurythmics and on the other hand went nuts over Metallica, CCR and bands like Men at work.
I've picked up alot of favourites along the way and truly expanded my tastes for music. But despite all these fabulous genres to pick from like folkmusic, industry, ska and symphonic rock just to name a few I still return to synth and rock when I don't think about what I pick. They are second nature, I sometimes suspect that they are so ingrained that they're like languages I've become so familiar with that they're a second and third mother tounge.

Have a nice evening everyone, and listen to something that really touches your soul today.

Pet journals

I'm lazy, I'm tired and I will do a real update tomorrow... well more like later today. Oh well.

I snitched this from one of my friends, her name is Emma and she's awesome.

I have the greatest empathy for the cat.

torsdag, november 4


Two days.

Two days and today he didn´t even say goodbye in the morning...
Stubborn fool.

onsdag, november 3

Too tired...

I was planning on writing some stuff about the house I looked at today, but my hubby is driving me up the wall with his silent treatment (he's silly, he's wrong and he knows it, but like all children he refuses to admit it and sulks instead) and this nice weeezing in my chest I don't really feel like writing much. I'm sure I'll feel much better in the morning.